116 thoughts on “Meeeee

    1. Wow..your journey seems pretty interesting…
      Like that is mine you can say with lots of struggles and more.
      My book ,” What Happens After That?” is now available for all around the world.
      A book that will make you still and freeze your breathes and make one think What Happens After That?
      A story of true horror,friction,thriller,love,romance,humor and diginity that will hold you in a moment.

      To know further about this book go and check these links:



      And i would love to know about your queries and views.
      Contact me at:
      Sneha Pyne
      @authorsnehapyne in Twitter
      Thank You😄

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hello dear
    Thank you so much for following my blog. It was such an honor 🙂 Talk about Melbourne, I miss melbourne so much.especially my childhood. Thank you and blessings to you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello dear,

      That’s very sweet of you to find me lovable..

      And, Don’t be Sorry because we all miss reading pages sometimes 😐

      Hope you are having great time..


      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello Euphonos! I already find you so lovable. I adore lovable people like you because we need many in the world to make it an excellent place for all which is my dream. Thanks for your inspiring blog. ‘Readers are leaders.’ You are an leader. I am happy to be journeying with you on the net.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello besingromanus,

      How are you?
      That’s very wonderful of you. Appreciate every word and I must say from your mouth to God’s ears 😇

      Thank you for the motivation to kick start my morning today.


  3. Wishing you the best for your first book…

    First Book is just a journey and once you have started it, it has to be continued and many more books needs to be created…not to get succumbed to contentment of getting your first book published, then the very creativity for which you strive for becomes the cruel casualty.

    Here are few learning from my first book, hope it can throw some light and give some more ideas…


    Liked by 2 people

      1. Keep writing 🙂
        And your opinions on my blog would be helpful too…
        Thnx in advance 🙂 ..

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Euphonos,
    Thank you, for reading my blog. I am very impressed and interested in your work. I will be back to revisit your blog and read a few of your books. I can relate to being an introvert and your love to write. I too have always loved writing, since I was a young child. One last thing… yes, I find you to be lovable, but we all are. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Euphie, “Who Am I” proves you really ARE unique!!! Thanks for the “Follow” re my website! Your website is as unique as you from being an engineer to your great interest in reading & books & writing!!! And your website offers such interaction with your audience! I am just completing my 3rd year writing my website. The first year, once a week, second year once a month, & now once every other month. So much else fills my life & demands my attention. And besides, here is my “famous quotation; “Too many people are writing who should be reading.” I’ve been to Sydney & as a teen had an exchange student from Melbourne named Donald Porter!!! Have a “Merry” & Cheers for 2015!!! Phil

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Phil,

      Thank you so much. Appreciate your kind words. My whole blog platform is for Indie Authors/Artists trying to reach a wider group of people interested in books, music and other stuff. Perhaps that’s one of the amazing reasons behind it being so interactive. I happened to have the chance to visit your blog earlier today and it is a wonderful notion to attach the pictures which we can never get to see much. Sorry, I missed your message earlier and here I am now.. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was great 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

  6. Euphonos … Thankyou so much for entering my door and following this journey we are all on .. Your site is gorgeous and I look joyfully to the new year and getting to know your writings ..xx blessings

    Liked by 2 people

      1. No I truly appreciate you, you see I am in midst of making my own poetry collection and seeing how successful you seem to be gives me a lot of courage, even though I have no idea how I will get there. So thank You 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh, That’s amazing 🙂 Can’t wait to see your work soon.. Wish you best from my end.. You will be pretty good. I am sure you must have worked it out. It would be great if you are willing to share a piece of your poetry in my next book. I am gathering few poems from aspiring writers and authors along with my poems 🙂


        Liked by 1 person

      3. That would be a great honor. I’ve never tried to get my work published really, but ummm if you think my poetry style is appropriate enough I’ll be happy to contribute 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Jean, That’s wonderful. Isn’t it a incredible feeling when you meet people with similar interests and yeah, what’s not to love JA about??? Thanks for stopping by 🙂 I would love to come and see more of your blog☺️


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  7. Euphie, I saw you liked my golden clouds post on Jonathan’s blog. Thank you, I am honored because I am an amateur writer, poet and photographer. I hope to get better acquainted over time. I live birds. . . Smiles, Robin

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Robin,

      My pleasure. Yeah, I did like one of your posts 🙂 Found it interesting. I would love to stop by and explore more. Wish you best with your writing. One fine day, You’ll find me reading your book perhaps 🙂



  8. Hello,

    I checked out your ebook. From the blurb it looks like a high quality ebook. If you are interested in some real promotion and exposure for your book , I have a few offers for you. Email me at pluxedo AT gmail.com if you are interested in screenshots and samples.

    You can also contact me through my website:

    In addition, I can also create professional author trailers, spotlights as well as video testimonials for your book. I can also help you build a website for your book if you don’t have one already, help you write your book blurb and back cover matter, etc.

    I also offer proofreading and writing services. Contact me for details.

    I can also create (and maintain) an Instagram account for your author name or book name.

    If you need any other service, let me know.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for checking out Red Sox Lady 35 and following me there I also have My Rambling Thoughts which I write stories, Red Sox Lady 35 updates about what is going on in my life and updates to the family who don’t live close to me so they know that I am fine. You have a neat site and I really like it. Take care and thank you again. Red Sox Lady 35/Lighthouse_Kat

    Liked by 1 person

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