My Den

Enchanting minds

Enchanting minds!!! The quotes are absolutely fantastic and thought-provoking… 

I can’t wait to get hold of this tiny book  and I don’t really know what I am gonna be upto… will keep all my lovely followers posted..

After this amazing long holiday, all that I can think of is my sweet home and loved ones whom I miss so terribly.. I wish I had wings to fly. Actually, I always wished for them.. That’s one of the notions behind my first book being titled “Wings of Emotions”..

Enough about my stupid conversation, I will be back with some interesting blog posts and author interviews and hell lot about myself.. By the way, I fell in love with the quote in the picture…

24 thoughts on “Enchanting minds

    1. Hey Brian, not really sure.. even I have been trying to get my hands on it.. But, you can check out their fb page in the meantime 😊


  1. I really want this book! If anyone has any luck finding out where to purchase it pleassseeee let me know! ☺️ Thanks in advance

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Euphie, Love quotations & writing my own!!! And love that little book you posted above! Miss you!!! Thanks for the “Like” on my post on David McCullough’s latest book, “The Wright Brothers.” I also did a BIG post today, a very special one about the 2.1 million Americans turning 70 this year in 2016!!! We are considered the Baby Boomers born after World War II from 1946 to 1964! Hope you are loving married life!!! Phil

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    1. Hello Philip, It is wonderful to hear from you after a long time. Miss you too 🙂 n thank you for stopping by. I will make sure I don’t miss your latest post and my married life is beautiful. Surprisingly we kudt celebrated our first anniversary a month ago 🙂


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  3. Euphie, So nice to hear your response & HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! What a lucky man your husband is to have such a wife as YOU…….so loving!!!!!!!!!! If only women realized they have withing their secret power the ability to make their husbands totally dedicated to them in every way. And, you know, that secret is LOVE. Love your man & he will love you in return. Right?! Phil

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